They love our wines


Head Chef and Head Sommelier

‘Trust and loyalty between the Bouldy family and the Guy Savoy Restaurant have resulted in more than thirty years of collaboration.

We love serving Château Bellegrave wines to our guests, as we know that they represent all that we are looking for: terroir-oriented cultivation, passing on a family tradition, quality innovations, and perfectly mature wines.’



‘It all began with a dinner with friends. I was warned that Pascale and Jean-Marie Bouldy would be there. I reminded myself over and over not to say anything awful or offensive… Unsuccessfully! We all laughed together, and our friendship was born. I discovered Château Bellegrave that very evening. This wine was a creation, a work of art reminiscent of a painting, or more accurately a piece of music: it has a style, a melody that develops, grows and is refined, and a dizzying array of details that turn it into something beautiful. That is Pascal and Jean-Marie’s wine: it announces its personality from the very first sip, powerful without being brutal, infinitely nuanced without being mannered… It took eighteen goes to cover it all. That evening stirred my admiration for a man and woman who know how to transform an encounter between earth and fruit into infinitely subtle pleasure. We say that wine was invented to allow humans to understand the knowledge of the gods: the Bouldys have invented a magnificent dictionary! ’


Head sommelier – La Tour d’Argent

‘I have long had a certain penchant for Château Bellegrave, a classic Pomerol that is very easy to drink. It is a truly gastronomic wine that shines on a table. I appreciate the fact that Mr Bouldy is a true winegrower completely in phase with the environment. He has managed to improve the definition and purity of his wines year on year.’


Restaurant AKELARE – San Sebastian

‘It is a joy to know the Bouldy family, welcoming and generous, just like their wines that reflect their character. Candid, elegant, easy-drinking Pomerols, “deliciosos”, “oso ona”.’


Sommelier – Restaurant Le Bernardin – New York

‘Château Bellegrave makes wines of purity and precision while honouring the roundness and lushness of the merlot grape. Behind the scene, the Bouldy family works with such dedication and generosity that one feels instantly connected. Their wines speak from the heart and tell about their terroir! How to not fall in love when the soil, the grape and the place are told with so much truth?”